sudo’ing gets you this -> Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/bin/xdpyinfo Check if the DISPLAY variable is set.

the problem: using a program such as mobaxterm gets you this error when you’re trying to run and install while sudo’ing

Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/bin/xdpyinfo

Check if the DISPLAY variable is set.

the solution: this was a good write up on how to fix this. one thing to note in the following article is that there is a small typo on the xauth add portion — it says “<Host Name>/nix:10” but that should be “<Host Name>/unix:10″ (basically you want to use the value that appears when you did the xauth list command:


No package ‘libcrypto’ found


‘Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers’ error when trying to untar