Oracle EDQ Address Cleanse Not Working

Checking the edq (main0.log) may be returning something like this - it will be a very small one-liner WARNING:

Error in initialisation Loqate not installed, OAV Java API jar "../edq-av/dist/loqate.jar" does not exist

If you are using Weblogic, there are 2 properties file that are relevant here:


The former is the one that takes affect over the latter.

However, (I believe) that if you do not set a property in the former file located in your Weblogic Domain folder, it will try to ready it from the file in your Oracle Home.

So, it is best practice to set ALL properties in the file located in your Weblogic Domain folder. The properties (as of June 2023) are these:

loqate.datadir = /loqate/data 
loqate.libdir = /loqate
loqate.jar = /loqate/loqate.jar 

Your issue is that either you are missing the loqate.libdir directory property altogether, or it is set (in either file) to an erroneous location.

Once you have set that property to the location of your libraries, you should restart your web container and try again.


How to Clear The Cache For Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Studio


Oracle ODI Studio - ODI-10181: Uncategorized configuration exception. Caused by JPS-01544: The provided configuration file path